Igo, Spanish for figs.
I’ve never eaten an imbe, the subtropical African mangotseen, the rind is quite delicate so it’s not usually grown commercially. So I decided ‘I’ is for igo, Spanish for fig.
In 2017 while I was artist in residence at the Adelaide Central Markets a young girl, maybe seven years old, approached me with her family’s way of eating figs. “I don’t know if it’s really a recipe” she said, “it’s really easy. My favourite thing is what my Grandma taught me, smashed figs on hot crumpets, drizzled with honey.”
Perfect, simple and delicious. My mum taught me you needed to smoosh figs together to increase the sweetness. Yes I know figs are technically flowers not fruit, but it’s my blog and I’m making up the rules as I go! This was such a lovely memory I really wanted to include it. Thank you mystery child!